Being able to interact with the other students via commenting on blogs has been a wonderful way to connect with other students in the class. I have been in a couple of other online courses and never before have I felt like I knew others in my class. I think it's really important that you allowed us to not only comment on classwork but also introductions - reading introductions of the students gave me a better idea of who my classmates are rather than just awesome storytellers. The comments I've received on my storytelling posts haven't been as helpful, but the comments on my storybook have been wonderful and have had enough constructive criticism to give me things to fix. I really appreciate the variety of feedback because each person has a different thing they seem to look for in storybooks so I've gotten a variety of things to re-examine for my storybook. I found it hard to be too constructive on short comments because they are short and also the writing is less technical in a way so there's not as much to critique. For long comments such as comments on the storybook, there's plenty of things I can look at from introduction to stories to transitions to the other pages of the storybook that I have a better grasp of things to critique on. If anything, I would suggest that every week or every other week, we take a look at the comments on our storybook and fix those things as well (I revise your storybook to include your suggestions to revisions but until now, I didn't even realize what great feedback my classmates had been leaving) - that might be a good assignment. In fact, maybe every other week we comment on storybook and the other week we update our storybook or storytelling posts in response to comments from our classmates from the week before?

North Shore Port Lincoln, South Australia
Hey Taylor! I agree that most other online courses don't have the same interaction level as this course has. I think it's so great though, because I love feeling like I know the other people in the class, especially since we all interact so much on each other's posts. I think it's a great idea to start having students make the changes that others suggest on our storybooks--there are a lot of great comments in those!