Hey, everyone! Congratulations on making it to the end of
this week – I feel the need to congratulate you all because I’m not sure about
you all, but this week has been rough for me and sometimes we just need a word
of encouragement for doing simple things because those can be really difficult
at times. Anyways, rant over. To be honest, I haven’t written anything
besides comments for this week since I did it earlier in the semester and I can’t
remember which piece of writing I was proud of for this week. However, I did read other people’s work and
was very impressed. All the storybooks
were great and I was particularly impressed by someone’s story who wrote about
Yama. The introduction was mysterious
and the love stories were so wonderfully written – I was incredibly
impressed. However, all the storybooks I
read were great and I was super excited to read each and every one of
them. As for my other classes, they are
going. I am anxiously awaiting spring
break so I can get a little break from everything. I moved most of my rounds to February so I
could get the majority of them over with, but that means lack of sleep and
dealing with some crazy situations. I
love my job, but I desperately need to catch up on sleep and that will probably
have to wait until spring break. On a
happier note, spring break is only two weeks away which is hard to
believe. I feel like my classes are just
starting to pick up and I’m hoping that time flies because it’s been really
tough being in the full swing of things with everything going on. Dancing in Dale started back up so I’ve been
going to that and I’m looking forward to Kaleidoscope Evening with OU’s College
of Arts and Sciences tomorrow evening.
It’s going to be a very fancy event, and I’m excited to meet some
distinguished alumni and hear their stories alongside my fellow Leadership
This reminds me of Kaleidoscope Dinner - fancy tableware that I am not entirely sure how to use
Source: Wikipedia