Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 5 Storytelling: Ghostbusters

Once upon a time, there were a husband and wife duo who frequently bickered.  The husband was a humble man who worked hard performing manual labor daily despite his growing age whilst his wife remained at home cooking, sewing, and socializing with other women.  One day, the wife lost her temper completely and throwing her pots and pans in her husband's direction yelled, "You don't provide for me - if I could go back in time, perhaps I would have remained with my father and least then I always had a big meal to eat and could heat the house freely.  But you barely make enough to buy flour for the bread!" The husband, blinking away tears, looked down at the ground and slowly walked out of the house.  Hurt but determined, he sought to find a better paying job to have in addition, or maybe in place of, his current occupation.  While walking down the road, he saw something white to the right of him.  When he looked, he couldn't believe his eyes! He saw a ghost!  "The government thought they got rid of them all," the man thought.  The man took a photo of the ghost and thought out loud, "Maybe, if I show this to the police, they'll pay me a reward for staying quiet and providing proof that they're not all gone!" The ghost knew this would mean his demise so he urged the man - if you be quiet, I'll give you an even greater reward! The man, realizing the profit he could gain, made a deal with the ghost, was paid, and sought to find even more ghosts.  Luckily, he did.  Just like that, he became a professional ghost hunter and made a lot of money.  It wasn't until years later that he could tell others about his stories and adventures, but we'll save that for another time.  As for his wife, when he returned with money, she apologized profusely before she even realized how much money her husband had made.  She made a promise to be more supportive and they were much happier from then on.

Author's Note:  My story is based off The Ghost who was Afraid of being Bagged from the Folktales of Bengals which were collected by Lal Behari Day from storytellers in the early 20th century.  I wanted to make the story more modern and change up the ending a bit.  The plot line itself has some different details but overall, the story is the same.

Haunted chateau (2009)
Source:  Wikipedia


  1. Your story was really good!! I like how he didn't turn any of the ghosts in and that's how he made money! But as for the wife, I think I would have left her haha. She was so rude and unsupportive when the guy worked all the time and she did nothing but stay at home. I really like how you wrote your story. Good job!

  2. Hey Taylor,

    This was a great story. It was very entertain and kept my attention. I slowly realized that this is how ghost hunting became a profession. I like how you added a little drama from the wife. Drama always makes a story more entertaining. I would suggest having smaller paragraphs, so that, it is easier to view. Keep up the good work!

  3. I think you did a great job writing this story. The situation between the husband and wife seems pretty realistic. She was extremely ungrateful and mean to him until he started to make more money. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the man left her after her outburst, but at least she promised to be more supportive after that and they ended up being happy.

  4. I really had a lot of fun reading your take on this story. This was one of my favorite stories for my readings this week. I really enjoyed all the ghost stories involved in this unit. I really liked how you brought another point of view to the story. It was nice that you pretty much followed the original story, but also put a little bit of your own twist to it! Great job!
